5 Intuitive Eating Facts

Ok, so you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while and you’re trying to create a more positive relationship with food and your body. But do you know the true definition of intuitive eating?

Let me break it down, “Intuitive eating is a nutrition philosophy based on the premise that becoming more attuned to the body's natural hunger signals is a more effective way to attain a healthy weight, rather than keeping track of the amounts of energy and fats in foods. It's a process that is intended to create a healthy relationship with food, mind and body, making it a popular treatment for disordered eating and eating disorders”.

If you really think about it, almost all people who try fad diets have some kind of disordered eating patterns - this is why intuitive eating can truly be for ANYONE. Who wouldn’t want to be more in tune with their body in a way that not only helps you physically, but emotionally and mentally?

Here are 5 facts about intuitive eating:

  • Intuitive eating is known for improving psychological health (which in return allows you to be healthy in all aspects!)

  • Intuitive eating works for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

  • Intuitive eating is not for weight loss. It reteaches you how to know your hunger and fullness cues, so you can eat without bingeing or restricting.

  • Intuitive eating proves that weight has nothing to do with health.

  • Intuitive eating incorporates all food groups in order to create well balanced, satisfying meals (Yes, even dessert).

It can be a hard transition from trying fad diets all your life to trying intuitive eating, but it is completely possible. We are all born intuitive eaters - making this the most natural way to thrive.

Now is the time to start intuitive eating, so you can start creating a better relationship with the foods you used to restrict and the body you’ve neglected!


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