Reframe the Way You Think About Your Body

Do you ever catch yourself looking in the mirror and picking apart every piece of your body?

Do you do this more when you know you’re having a bad body image day or when you feel super bloated and grumpy to begin with? That’s definitely not a good way to go about your day!

When you find yourself doing this… what is your next course of action? Do you maybe…

  • Throw on baggy clothes

  • Fell down for the rest of the day

  • Punish yourself with over exercising

  • Skip a meal

If this sounds like you, I want to demonstrate to you how you can change these intrusive thoughts from negative to positive.

For example, when you’re thinking your stomach has gotten bigger or is covered in stretch marks...think, “My stomach helps digest the delicious food I eat and allows me to carry and grow my child.”

When you’re criticizing your arms for losing muscle or something else...think, “My arms allow me to hug my loved ones and pick up my children.”

When you’re staring at the cellulite on your thighs...think, “These legs walk me every day through life and allow me to run and dance with my children!”

Now remember, it is completely normal to have days like this every once in a while. No one is able to accept or love themselves 24/7. It’s about how you handle these days, not letting them take over your life, and reframing the way you think about your body!


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